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Student Feedback

I heard about B.U.S. through a friend who was doing a B.U.S. in anatomy. I'd recommend it to anyone; it was fabulous for me. I learned more and enjoyed it more because I chose my classes. It's great to follow a program you've created when existing programs don't meet your needs. It's a wonderful path to graduate school.


Julia Kotlyar, Holistic Health

Faculty Advisor: Professor William Sands Key
Departments: Exercise and Sport Sciences, College of Health, Psychology, Sociology, Biology, Physics, Chemistry

It's been such a great opportunity. I love the amount of flexibility it affords in choosing classes. I have a broader perspective because of it. I've met so many professors — it's a great degree.


Shannon Huff, Psychology of Gifted Women

Faculty Advisor: Professor Andrew Gitlin Key
Departments: Education, Psychology, Women’s Studies

My field of work and study is anaplastology — the creation of artificial anatomy. The field combines art and science; two studies that usually do not have much overlap. As I began studying art, I realized that I would be in undergraduate school for the next 6 or 7 years and I would need to learn things that weren't pertinent to my desired field. One day, I came across a University Studies brochure explaining that it was possible to design my own major. I needed to fulfill the same structure as any other major but I needed a faculty member to support my curriculum. The program took me about 8 months to design. I compiled all the classes that I thought were necessary to a basic education for the field of anaplastology. The University Studies program allowed me to design formal education. My designed major made me marketable. I had a formal education that an employer knew was unique. It also gave me credibility in my field. I was able to make a difference for the field of anaplastology. Designing a degree within the University Studies program will probably be one of the wisest things I did for my career. I wasn't restricted to taking classes that would do me no good. I was able to learn what I needed and wanted.


Paul Tanner, Anaplastology

Faculty Advisor: Professor Glen Bowen Key
Departments: Material Science and Engineering, Biology, Art, Chemistry

I transferred to the U with a math and science background tempered by a liberal arts experience. After exploring an engineering degree, I became aware of what I felt were the limitations of the profession. The Bachelor of University Studies program allowed me to integrate opportunities in technical and policy oriented fields to address the needs I had identified. Collaborating with university partners has enabled an excellent case study for my thesis as we work to redevelop the campus recycling program.


Will Chatwin, Technology Assessment

Faculty Advisor: Professor David Chapman Key
Departments: Civil Engineering, Chemical and Fuels Engineering, Philosophy

B.U.S. was for me a great way to combine key learnings from multiple departments without having to spend 50 years in college. Most importantly, my degree set me apart from my peers when applying for a job. I have no doubts my exciting and different major played a crucial role when I landed my first job. Pursuing a degree in B.U.S. is by far the best educational decision I've made in my life.


Simen W. Augedel, Marketing and PR Strategies

Faculty Advisor: Professor David Chapman Key
Departments: Civil Engineering, Chemical and Fuels Engineering, Philosophy

Last Updated: 7/7/22