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Onward, Togehter: Enhancing Student Success Through Navigate U

Three students flashing the U sign with their hands.

At the University of Utah, our commitment to student success serves as the guiding principle shaping our decisions and priorities. Over the last year, we have refined our focus through a shared responsibility approach to create an exceptional educational experience for every student by identifying and removing obstacles that hinder their academic journey. Framing our work, is the strategy set we call Navigate U. I’m excited share updates regarding our progress and a vision for where we can go next, together.

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Undergraduate Studies welcomes new UIA fellow

Headshot of Dr. Lindsay Coco

The Office of Undergraduate Studies is pleased to have Dr. Lindsay Coco joining us as the UIA fellow & special assistant to the SAVPAA. The University Innovation Alliance (UIA) is a national coalition of public research universities committed to increasing the number and diversity of college graduates, particularly those who are low-income, first-generation, and students of color. Members of the UIA aim to eliminate disparity by race and income through identifying novel solutions and proven interventions to improve student success.

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Last Updated: 11/16/23