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Community Learning Center (CLC)


The Glendale-Mountain View Community Learning Campus (CLC) is located in the Glendale neighborhood and supports over 1,500 students, their families, and local community. The CLC operates as a Community School (Glendale Middle and Mountain View Elementary) and hosts an array of supports for family engagement, youth development, health services, after-school learning and adult education. The CLC is brought to life through the collaboration of community members, staff, partner organizations, educators and students who work creatively with local assets to remove educational barriers and build healthy communities.

The Office of Undergraduate Studies supports this vision as an invested partner by providing Education Pathways Support in a variety of ways, particularly in the areas of adult education and youth development. Our Education Pathways Manager spends 40+ hours on site, working closely with partners & community to build meaningful relationships to create and improve existing opportunities.


The University of Utah is committed to the work accomplished at the Glendale – Mt. View Community Learning Center through a long stand partnership between the site and the university. We work to enhance college-going information and pathways for communities living in Salt Lake City’s Westside neighborhoods.


The Education Pathways team seeks partners who understand and are committed to our mission by providing adequate resources to support students, families, and communities.

Collaboratively, we promote:

  • A Welcoming Institutional Climate

By fostering quality family engagement and involvement at both Mt. View Elementary and Glendale Middle Schools, we expect partners to become stakeholders in developing programming opportunities committed to our objectives while infusing a welcoming climate for youth and community members.

  • Educational Equity

Through the advocacy for the social & emotional wellness of youth and families in our community, we intend to promote high-quality programs designed to increase the achievement of all learners who engage in this space. Moreover, we focus on building and promoting educational equity through holistic services for the community.

  • Asset-Based School-Community Partnerships

While developing authentic relationships that support the needs of community members and empowering families to become educational advocates for their families and the greater community, we request to partners that community members be recognized as holders of knowledge with a unique perspective and community outlook.

  • Community-Driven Systems Transformation

Building bridges between systems and communities through increasing awareness of community inequities to modify and implement impactful change. Moreover, partners must be willing to work with members of our community to influence district and community regulations.

The tenets mentioned above are critical to establishing authentic and collaborative relationships with site staff and partners who are intentional about the work produced at the center. The University and the Glendale – Mt. View CLC share a vision of community interconnectedness through partnerships based on communal empowerment, academic exploration, and learning rooted in diverse life experiences. For more information, visit University Neighborhood Partners.

Do you want to collaborate with us?

We request that any potential partners and outside organizations take the time to review this information before connecting with the Education Pathways Program Manager to ensure they understand the level of commitment required to work with members of our community. Fill out the "Contact Us" Form below with your information! 


The Education Pathways Coordinator provides free educational planning and advising for students or community members by meeting with them in their own community (English\Spanish). Whether looking to enter college, or complete high school, we will work with anyone regardless of where they are at in their educational journey. Some of the adult education programming and opportunities can be viewed in the visual.

The Glendale Community Learning Center will provide a 5-week Professional Development and Career Exploration program for high school age students (ages 15 – 18). This program will meet once a week on Thursday from 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM, and is perfect for youth who are looking to gain internship or entry-level job positions. To access the Career Exploration program application, please scan the QR code that is included in the flyer. Make sure to complete the application to the best of your abilities by answering all of the questions provided.

If you would like to schedule an appointment or find out more, please contact Arturo Canela at or 801-213-7563. 

In addition to one-on-one advising, the Pathways Coordinator works as a bridge-builder when relevant between various organizations, people and the University of Utah to create meaningful opportunities and increase their capacity at the CLC. With over 60 partner organizations, these connections and relationships are critical to the ongoing learning that happens at the site.

The CLC values reciprocal engagement opportunities, where interested partners or university students work together to create an environment and opportunity that goes beyond co-location or service learning. Current examples of these practices are the BEACON Scholars Reading Program, Diversity Scholar critical service learning, Westside Leadership Institute, AmeriCorps, and many others where investment in community and student learning is mutual.

If you are interested in creating a partnership to provide support, events, outreach and\or programming in one of the CLC areas that serves the community school mission, please contact our the Glendale-Mtn. View CLC Coordinator Arturo Canela at or 801-213-7563. 


Wendy Petersen Morse, Assistant Coordinator

Wendy has worked with the Glendale community for the last 24 years and has worked at Mountain View Elementary for 12 years. She is the assistant coordinator at the CLC and coordinates youth programs and partnerships.



Visit the Glendale-Mountain View CLC Facebook page!

Glendale-Mountain View Community Learning Center - Salt Lake City School District (

Contact Information (Informacion de Contacto)

Request Information (Informacion de Solicitud)

Last Updated: 7/18/24