Assessment of Undergraduate Studies Programs and Offices
The Office of Assessment and Evaluation in Undergraduate Studies helps Undergraduate Studies departments and programs plan and conduct assessment-related activities such as brainstorming, survey preparation and delivery, survey and other data analysis, coordination with and access to institutional data, and grant writing. Assessments of individual UGS programs are displayed on the web pages of those programs.
We lead the ongoing assessment of the General Education and Bachelor Degree requirements and their learning outcomes. This work is done together with the General Education Curriculum Committee.
Finally, we participate with the Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs and Undergraduate Studies in the Office of Learning Outcomes Assessment. This office provides resources for departments across campus to look at their learning outcomes and create plans to assess them.
Please contact Mark St. Andre, Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies, with questions about assessment. If you would like to set up a survey, please send an email to Thank you!
personMark St. Andre
phone(801) 585-9876